ublock vs ublock origin

Is there a point to using a content blocker on MacOS vs just using unlock origin on Safari? If so which content blockers are good? Also what...

相關軟體 Safari 下載

Safari是美商蘋果電腦推出的瀏覽器,原先只在MAC上面使用,後來推出了Windows版本,目前它能運作在iPad, iPhone, iPod touch, MAC和PC這些不同的平台上面。 它在網頁的呈現上,提供給我們相對寬廣的瀏覽器視窗,並且提供視覺化的方式,在Top Sites這個功能裡,我們可以選擇想要瀏覽的網頁和歷史記錄,並且是用翻閱的方式,讓我們有不同的使用體驗。它也...

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  • Is there a point to using a content blocker on MacOS vs just using unlock origin on Safari...
    content blockers vs ublock origin in 2017? : apple - Reddit
  • uBlock Origin - An efficient blocker for Chromium and Firefox. Fast and lean. ... You sign...
    Home · gorhilluBlock Wiki · GitHub
  • We explored uBlock, one of the most promising ad-blockers for webbrowsers, in an earlier a...
    The uBlock Origin vs. uBlock show – Tuxdiary ...
  • uBlock vs. uBlock Origin: what's the difference? Citing frustration with the increasin...
    uBlock - FAQ
  • uBlock: the fast, efficient, and lightweight blocker. Official homepage. ... Content. Not ...
    uBlock - Home
  • Finally, an efficient blocker. Easy on CPU and memory.
    uBlock Origin - Chrome Web Store
  • 效率概述說明: https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/wiki/uBlock-vs.-ABP:-efficiency-compared 用法:點選快顯...
    uBlock Origin - Chrome 線上應用程式商店 - Google
  • uBlock Origin (pronounced you-block / ˈ juː ˌ b l ɒ k /) is a free and open source, cross-...
    uBlock Origin - Wikipedia
  • uBlock Origin(发音you-block,/ˈjuːˌblɒk/)是一款自由、开源、跨平台的内容过滤浏览器扩展, .... Adblock Plus vs. Ghoste...
    uBlock Origin - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
  • uBlock Origin's privacy policy: uBlock Origin does not collect any data of any kind. u...
    uBlock Origin :: Add-ons for Firefox
  • I've read the FAQ, but Ublock and Ublock Origin are very similar in what they do. Howe...
    uBlock v.s. uBlock Origin | MalwareTips.com ...
  • 2017年5月14日 - This is quite old, the situation has become even more extreme since. You sho...
    uBlock vs. uBlock Origin (2015) | Hacker News
  • For people who have stumbled into this thread while googling "ublock vs origin"....
    ublock vs. ublock origin : ublock - reddit
  • Reddit-wide rules. All reddit-wide rules apply here. Do not post personal information; no ...
    uBlock vs. uBlock Origin: Facts : technology
  • 2015年4月19日 - 原先的µBlock 改名成uBlock₀,並且把uBlock 的名字交出去給了Colorado Springs 的uBlock。 原因可以在「Pleas...
    uBlock 的改版:交接後再fork 成uBlock Origin (uBlock₀) | Gea-Suan ...
  • Chrome VS Firefox with the same tabs open and chrome having .... uBlock (not Origin) and A...
    Which is the better add-on, AdBlock Plus or uBlock Origin? : firefox
  • 2015年5月26日 - 之前在這篇:「 uBlock:取代AdBlocks 的高效能擋網頁廣告套件」介紹過的ublock 套件,於前不久前因故分家成uBlock 和ublock...
    [-Fx-] uBlock 和uBlock0(uBlock Origin)差別是? - 婉麗河畔旁